First United Tabernacle Church of Jesus Christ, Apostolic, inc.,

Bishop Lloyd L. Faulknor Scholarship


  First United Church of Christ
    425 So. Jefferson St  
                                     Orange, NJ 07050                                   

Bishop Lloyd L. Faulknor Scholarship Foundation



 “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:14-17

The importance of education (or being able to receive and attend basic classroom schooling from the kindergarten years to college and graduate years) have increased dramatically over the last 50 years according to recent studies and surveys. Education now stands at a critical standpoint in each individual's life, particularly the ability to predict the turnout of that individual's social and professional subsistence. Education now determines what you can expect to earn over the course of your lifetime.

Education provides more opportunities to graduates or to individuals who have had a higher level of education, as opposed to the individuals who have not. It was observed that the job and career opportunities for an individual without college education went down by 50 to 75% compared to the opportunities presented to the same types of individuals fifty years ago.

Bishop Lloyd L. Faulknor is a staunch advocate for the young people of his ministry to attain a college education.  Bishop Lloyd L. Faulknor scholarship foundation was established based on his innate instinct to see our young people succeed on a spiritual and temporal level.


Eligibility Requirements:

The scholarship foundation will award one (1) $1000.00, one (1) $500.00 and two (2) $250.00 qualified scholarships recipients.   


A.    Applicants must be an active member of F.U.T.C.

 B.     Applicants must have an average of A or B.

       C.     Applicants must maintain the above average.

 D.   Applicant may apply for Bishop Lloyd L.  Faulknor Scholarship foundation  if he/she will be a freshman, junior,   
      sophomore or senior student in college or is actively enrolled in a vocational – Technical school.  (N.B.  If you are    
      enrolled in a graduate or doctorial study program, you are ineligible).

       E.    College applicants GPA 3.0 or greater, Vocational-technical/High school (senior) applicant’s grades of B or greater or  
           equivalent number grades are required (e.g. > 80%).

       F.    Submit an essay with 250 words or more detailing, why you should be considered as a recipient of an award and
professional interest.  Your essay should also include but not limited to your church involvement any volunteer or
            extra curricular activities you are currently involved in.

Please type and double space your essay, no hand written essay will be accepted.


 How to apply:

·         To download and print the scholarship form Click here.

·         Fill out application form on pages 5 thru 7.

·         Complete the required essay.

·         Mail completed application along with essay to:

Bishop Lloyd L.  Faulknor Scholarship Foundation                                                                               
C/O First United Tabernacle Church of Jesus (Apostolic)
425 S. Jefferson Street                                                                                        
Orange, NJ 07050

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